If Someone Steals Your Identity
1. First, you must contact the fraud departments at Equifax (800-525-6285), Experian (888-397-3742) and Trans Union (800-680-7289). Call each one yourself. Do not rely on Equifax to call Experian and Trans Union. Obtain copies of your credit reports from each of the three agencies and review them carefully for discrepencies. Report dicrepencies to each agency. Ask the credit bureaus to tag your file with a fraud alert. The credit bureaus can attach a statement to your file which requires creditors to get your permission before any account can be opened in your name.
2. File a police report.
3. Cancel all existing credit cards. Have new credit cards issued with new account numbers.
4. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (877-438-4338) and obtain an FTC ID Theft Affidavit. Complete the Theft Affidavit and send it to all businesses where fraudulent accounts were opened.
5. Review your homeowner's liability insurance policy for possible coverage.